Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Finding Myself

You can't find yourself when you're looking for yourself. It's when you let go of trying. That's when we fly. When you become who you were meant to be. I found that when you try to make yourself something you aren't created to clip your wings. That's when you become lost. Another number on a driver's liscense, another dot on the earth, another person without purpose. I think we tend to choose this route because it's safe, it's easy, it's comfortable, it's life. I don't think we were created to be comfortable...we were created to be so much more. I think that as we go through life we clip our wings and forget that we were created to fly. Life taints the image of our true being. Were living in a spiritual world not a physical one. But somehow we lose touch with this. We were created to be connected to the most powerful being in the Universe. Yet we forget this simple truth, forsake it, and turn away. What are running from?
This powerful being---God---can take us anywhere. The sky is NOT the limit. That's how big God and that's what He can do in our lives.

I'm finding when you trust Him, listen to His voice, He will make all things possible. I'm done living in this dead world and I'm running, sprinting after the call that God has on my life. I know that I will do incredible things. Not because of me, but because of God in me. He has mad a promise over my life that He will make a way and prepare the path for me. All I have to do is trust and know with every fiber of my being that no matter what I do, what road I choose, the decisions that I make---He will guide me. He will teach me lessons from my mistakes, pick me up when I fall, and love me always.

I hope you can see the beauty in this, not only in my life, but yours also.

And this...this is the beginning of an amazing chapter in my life.

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