Thursday, April 19, 2012

Day 2 of Bath Products Research & Theory: Envy Organics

Today's going to be a shorter blog. I want to write about other things going on in my life so this post on my research will be brief. A good friend of mine knew that I was doing research on products and knew that I like organic products so she gave me a bottle of Envy Organics Nutrient Shampoo & Conditioner. She sells this product from the Envy Organics line and I highly recommend buying it for several reasons. For starters, it smells delictable because it's scent is papaya pineapple - which is a heavenly aroma that I could sniff all day long like crack. Secondly, I lost less hair using the product. Please view my youtube video to see the results from my hair loss. When I used the "Yes" products I lost significantly more hair and on the video it almost looks like double hair loss. What's more interesting is when I use other hair products that are not natural/organic I lose even more hair! Crazy!?! I know!!! What are we doing to ourselves? Or an even better question - what are companies doing to our hair???

The only thing about Envy Organics Nutrient Shampoo & Conditioner is that it's pretty expensive for such a small bottle. It's an 8oz bottle for a whopping 18 buckaroos - that's a bit pricey for my blood. My friend said that it takes a month and half to 2 months to finish the bottle which is crazy because I usually use the same bottle for MONTHS. But here's the thing - if I do these testings and find out that this product makes me lose LESS hair than all the others, I may just be pulling out the wallet and buying this product. Which by the way - if any of you are interested in buying this product now or once I'm done with this testing - please let me know so you can buy it through my friend and not just the company.

On another note, my friend Lacey was over at my place today and I was showing her my hair loss between the 2 products and she actually made a great suggestion. She said I ought to use the same shampoo & conditioner for a whole week and record the results rather than day by day. She said this will help weed out other possible side affects that could cause hair loss like what I eat during the day or any other factor. Now, don't worry, I'm not going to get all technical about this experiment and tell you the details of what I eat every day, but I will be taking her suggestion and testing by the week to see if my hair loss is different throughout the week so that we know that the hair loss from the products are consistent to the product and not some other factor.

Again thanks for stopping by and I hope you feel more informed. Here's the link to my youtube video & sorry that's its shaky: